

Dear Kevin Ashton Community Members,

This edition features a remarkable collection of essays that cover the most recent advances in our profession. We actively encourage new thoughts and viewpoints, so if you have any incisive remarks or thought-provoking concepts about finance that could interest our readers, please share them with us.

A standout feature of this issue is our examination of a recently published management publication that is firmly entrenched in a process management model and provides a full grasp of this approach. Furthermore, we reveal the fundamental concepts from a groundbreaking publication on business process architecture. Furthermore, we provide an in-depth analysis of the business issues that a copier company faces, as well as a complete examination of the interaction between processes and capabilities.

We are excited to inform that our forthcoming issues will focus on Gold IRAs, in response to increased interest among our community members. We will conduct a thorough examination of Gold IRAs, including the underlying principles, benefits, potential difficulties, and practical recommendations for people contemplating this investing strategy. This comprehensive approach will provide our readers with a deep understanding of Gold IRAs, allowing them to make informed decisions.

Please be aware that we will be taking a temporary hiatus in March and April to allow our crew to refresh. We look forward to reuniting with you in May, when we will discuss Gold IRAs and other interesting topics.

We sincerely appreciate your continued readership and interaction.


Kevin Ashton Team

About Kevin

Kevin J. Ashton, a British technology pioneer, coined the term "Internet of Things" (IoT) and introduced the concept in 1999 while at Procter & Gamble. He founded the Auto-ID Center at MIT, where he contributed to the development of global standards for RFID and other sensor technologies.